Its January 1, 2012. Happy New Year to all.
I just wanted to remind folks that SSFFF works hard to keep our Fluke fishing. As a result, you have seen an extended season in 2011. Research caused this. And from what Captain Adam from RFA-NJ said, 2012 might have a longer season or shorter keeper size. Who knows. But we have to thank the folks at SSFFF for their work.
Its a new year and its a time if you can to donate to this fine organization. I am not affiliated with SSFFF but I do believe in their work and I just want to get the word out.
I'll be sending my donation this week. If you can, I hope you do as well. We need to fight back against government stupidity as far as our fishing rights goes.
Thank you in advance and I wish you all a very Happy and Healthy and Awesome Fishing New Year!!!
Take care,