clpTony Baker and I are serious about our American red snapper fishing. In fact, we are in training. Come June, the beginning of ARS season, we will be ready. Captain Hubbard has us prepared for the event. In preparation, Tony & I are spending most of our weekends on the Florida Fisherman. But, what do we do when we are not challenging the Florida Middle Grounds? Well! We are taking up another challenge, hog hunting. We have so little time, after all, we are in serious training. Where can we go for a short time and still have a very good chance of success? Let's try the Allen's Tiger Island Outfitters, Cedar Key, Florida.
OK! 6 A.M. Saturday morning. We are welcomed by Mister Crichton Allen, owner of Tiger Island, and our guide Joey. Gosh! It's cool as heck. Hope the cool morning makes the hogs frisky and hungry. Only time will tell.
As we settle into our huts, it is so quiet you could hear a pin drop, or a hog grunt. For the first hour I see nothing, hear nothing. Those darn hogs sure know how to hide. Could it be they do not want to be shot? Then I hear a blast. Tony's 30.06 blazes into action. Only one little problem, he missed. Easy to do, we have all done it. Hopefully the hogs will give Tony a second chance, and me a chance. For the next half hour we see, hear nothing. Then, once again, Tony shoots. Then we hear on our radio...hog down, hog down and out. Good job Mister Baker. But what about me? Then, out of nowhere, off at a distance, I see hogs, big beautiful hogs. Please come closer. Smell that delicious corn! They circle my hut, but never come in. Those darn hogs are just too smart. Oh well! At least Tony succeeded. Nine A.M., Still hogless! Then, off at a distance, hogs, a lot of hogs. Will they simply tease me and run? This is getting personal. Closer, closer, they come. Could this be it? Yes! the hogs are hungry, hungry for that golden corn. Look at that spotted one. What a beauty! Ever so slowly, I turn on the video camera, and shoulder my Marlin 45/70. BAM! hog down. Even after doing this for over fifty years, the rush, the high, the excitement level, is off the chart. I call Joey on the radio. Joey, along with another Tiger Island guide, Dustin, are so proud of both Tony and myself. Only one little problem. As they were coming to get me, an angry hog charged them, charged the little golf cart they were traveling in. Hogs can be dangerous. When in the woods, the hog woods, always be careful, be ready to run. The ground huts of Tiger Island all have heavy anti-hog wire around them. We are safe, safe to sit back, sit back and enjoy the great outdoors, enjoy nature at its finest.
Back at camp Joey skillfully dresses our hogs, our prize hogs. Gosh! this stuff is fun. As we are winding down our hunt, with great excitement, the hunters, men, women and kids, Yes! Even girl kids, are preparing for the evening hunt. Even the birds of Tiger Island wish them well. Time to go home, home to Tampa. After all, "We are in training!" Next weekend, the Florida Middle Grounds. Come American red snapper season, "We will be ready!" And, what will we do when we are not challenging the Grounds?
Captain Mark Hubbard has Mister Tony Baker, and myself, in training for the upcoming American red snapper season.
Tony (L), Cap. Hubbard (R):
As the sun comes up the video camera is ready:
The hogs are hungry:
Our guides, Joey & Dustin, are proud of my hog:
Tony Baker's & my hog. My hog is the pretty spotted one:
Joey and our hogs:
Tony Baker's hog. Not as pretty as mine:
Joe goes to work:
Getting ready for the evening hunt. Guys, girls, and birds are all excited:
Check out the video of our hunt. That road sure is long. Look at the beautiful oak, hickory, hammock; look at the hogs: