Well it happened today. I got word from my daughter that the park was closed to veh. for about 3 1/2 hours due to lots being full. Plus about 1/2 that time it was closed to Mobile Sport fishing Vehicles. This is why I don't go over there on weekends. I do not need the aggravation of all those people on the beach not fishing or even having a pole in their beach buggies.
It is a sportfishing permit people. It is partially the parks problem as they do not hassle those people that are on the beach without permits and those of us that do and have for what ever feels like forever, is just wrong.
With that said, I can see that today was an anomaly and has not happened to me ever that I can remember. So just cool your jets everyone and let things happen. I was told that there were over 500 cars on the beach so they even let that rule slide a bit.
Remember it is a privileged to be on the beach and not a right. It is state owned land and we all have to play by their rules. If the rules are broken to many times that privilege can be shut down in a heart beat.
Happy Catching everyone