For Sale: $70 for the works.
1- Ultra Minnow Jig, Sz: 5, 6, 8 oz cavities
1- Ultra Minnow Jig, Sz: 2, 3, 4 oz cavities
Approximately 50 of the Mustad 9/0 jig hooks used for the 5, 6 and 8 ultra minnows
Plus a Lyman melting pot (I am tossing this in as a freebee, it’s old and I don’t use it anymore)
New molds go for $59 (8, 6, 5oz) and $33 (4. 3. 2oz) plus the Mustad jig hooks are $30 per 100. Check out SRMO.COM I would like to get $70 for the works. If you want it shipped you would need to pay the cost. Willing to meet you a reasonable half way. I’m in Somerset County.
PM me if you have interest