Just added "show pricing" on many lures in the
NJ Saltwater Tackle | Saltwater Jigs - Baits - Lures category on the site. Many items are 50% OFF including Panther Martin Umbrella Rigs and Vivif Swim Shads. Other items include:
Bucktails by Williamson
Jig heads by Kalin's
Wooden Swimmers by Creek Chub
and AVA Diamond Jigs by S&G!
Also blowing out the remaining Power Pro Super Slick 8 at 40% OFF!
Hurry! Limited Quantities Available. Sale Ends 1/31/15. While Supplies Last.
NJ Saltwater Tackle | Saltwater Jigs - Baits - LuresEVERY Canyon Reel is available at Special "Show Pricing", including "Pre-Order" pricing on the *NEW* SALT 5000 Spinning Reel and HS-10 Lever Drag! Can't publish the prices here or on the website. Please email for prices. info(at)njsaltwatertackle.com