Set out with the entire arsenal at 530. got down to IBSP about 7. My friend had tons of short fluke. I had all the bluefish bites. both of us bucktailing most of the day. Mjority of the fluke were 8-10" but had 1 14" and another 15-3/4in. Went to seaside for lunch again then stopped for some fresh mullet then headed back to different conditions and more of a crowd on the beaches. Ended up at the beach down two bit road for the last stop. Was getting more blues but I had to rig a stinger hook on the tail. My friend also got more short fluke. Also had a very long encounter with a fox. It kept digging up bait fish some else had left behind right near our pile of stuff. It got insanely close at times. I thought it was trying to steal my bluefish in the bucket before I saw it digging up the fish. Anyway, a day with lots of action is fine with me, keepers or not. Water is still a nice temp for no waders fishing (pic is at the 1st beach we hit. took the waders off after. Water is still nice and warm)