sltMadeira Beach, Florida, is rich in folklore. Stories of the southern states uniting with the Seminole tribes, to the buried treasure days of John Levique are part of the rich history of John's Pass. John's Pass was created by, "the granddaddy of hurricanes" on September 27, 1848. John Levique made the first passage through the newly created Pass, hence the name John's Pass.
The legacy continues... In 1976 Captain Wilson Hubbard moved his deep sea fishing from Pass-a-Grille
to John's Pass. In 1980 he convinced the city to permit the building of the John's Pass Boardwalk:
Hubbard's Marina occupies one end of the boardwalk, and Don's Dock the other. Both have always been family owned and operated. Don's Dock was founded in 1947 by owner/operator Mr. Donald Beggs, Sr. Today this Madeira Beach landmark offers a complete, 'fuel dock' plus a fresh seafood market:
John's Pass, Florida, so much to see and do. And, never to be forgotten, is some of the best fishing in the world. There is a reason why Florida is known as the Fishing Capital of the World. Join us as we see, first hand, what our great state has to offer.
The Florida Fisherman ll is ready and so are we. Let's go!
Speaking of tradition, 'The great line toss' has become part of our let's go fishing tradition. Will, first mate on the Florida for over a decade, will 'attempt' the almost impossible task of hitting the pole, first time, from a moving boat. The skill level demanded is off the chart. Can he hit it? Only one way to find out... Watch 4 minutes, 9 seconds, into the video at the end of this report.
After a special Tammy dinner, and a few hours rest, let the fights begin:
Will and Captain Joey can't believe their eyes: