Just got back from the rally in Manasquan, as I live just 5 minutes away from the Elks lodge.
Frank Pallone announced he would be introducing a bill within the next week to allow for flexibility in the Magnuson-Stevens Act. The Save the Summer Flounder Fishery Fund will receive a $70K grant to conduct its own scientific surveys through a fisheries management study group, and the study group will present its findings to regulators in DC once flexibility is built into the law. Sean Kean said he would try to get the NJ state legislature to send a joint resolution to Washington urging flexibility in fisheries management.
The turnout was HUGE. Cars were parked six blocks away, and the massive room at the Elks lodge was filled to capacity. I'll post the article I write for the newspaper within a day, but that's the gist of it. All in all, a great meeting.
I should also say that someone referenced The Bass Barn and how they wouldn't even sticky this topic. I felt like standing up and saying NJSWF was all over it for months. I think our collective donation as a web site to this very worthwhile organization will really help recognize how much we care about the sport and how committed we are as an online community to recognizing the importance of this issue.