"missed the boat" on another trip, so decided to venture out ourselves-- the weather was beautiful and we're on vaca for a few more days. Also were helped along by mboy's real time I am here condition report.
Finally got out around 11, ahem 12. Couple drifts Keyport Flats nada, the fleet was in also doing squatchoolie. Saw mboy and FF out there, moved to the reach channel, boated a yellow eyed demon for strips, drifted the edges per the fine etch a sketches Bobber's been posting, nada. Keansburg, beat up somehow, endless rollers seemingly outta Port Monmouth somewhere, Christine boxed a chunky 21"er and I lost one that looked good at the boat, moved over near the floodgate, had some hits but misses. Finally snuck around Conaskonk threw the hook in the lee and fired up the BBQ for some cheez buggies while watching birds working the shore. Called it a day just after sunset and cleaned the boat in the dark. A good day. Coulda used some more meat but a good day.