Launched @ AH by 6 AM and headed up to the Knoll. Flat calm on the outgoing tide. Worked the northern edge and dropoff of Chapel Hill. Eventually working drifts south toward SH channel. Shorts were the order of the day. Countless 17" fluke coming up.
By 11 AM the stiff SE wind was pushing us along at 2.6 knts and we were using 8 oz to barely hold bottom w/braid.
Made a move to the parking lot at #10 and the shorts kept coming. Worked down the inside of the hook -officers row, spermacetti cove eventually ending up at the AH harbor entrance for a last drift. Same results everywhere.
3 of us stopped counting at 75+ flatties with only 3 going in the box. Nothing to brag about but its dinner.
Peruvians were the hot bait, bird belly did well. My buddy using killies killed the 12" fish all day.
Surface temps started @ 74 and dropped to 70 when the wind machine was turned on.
Caught of few of these as well, I heard they are endangered? Never seen one before???