They say all things happen for a reason, had an evening charter booked for today. They called early in the day to say well Capt, I'm looking at the weather and it doesn't look good. Politely asked what report are you looking at? There is no problem, they insisted to cancel.
So today is my son (and Daughters) Birthday a sweet 16. Matt was going fishing with his buddy Mike in the surf. Told them suit p boys were are going out to deep water.
We left the dock at 3PM, my game plan was eeling and trolling the rips and between the channels. Well the fishing Gods were smiling as we came accross fish busting water at the terminal channel. GAME ON!
Played with the fish for 2 1/2 hr caught them on jigs, top water and storm shads. Biggest two fish 37 1/2 and 36" caught on top water.
Total was 6 keepers from 29-37 1/2 keept, another 18 or so fish released and one 10 lb Blue kept.
Boys had a blast, and I had a blast with my son on his Birthday. Does not get any better.
I case you read the report Kenny D. YOU MISSED IT BIG TIME!!!!