We were unable to get an early start due to some prior commitments but that didn't stop us. By the time we got lunch, bait, waited for Morgan draw, beverages, ice, and fuel it was 1PM. Headed right out to my recent favorite, the site of the doormat drop, and had 4 fish on the first drift. One went in the box, hit the squid killie bucktail with teaser. Man it was HOT. Christine was dragging bait with limited success until.....
After a few drifts picking shorts we made a move up the Chapel Hill to some promising bottom. The drift there was different, it went from a NW slide to a 2+kt run almost due N. After we figured that out the next drifts saw at least 25 fish with quite a few 17-18". Christine was outfishing me and it was difficult to hold with the bucktail in those conditions, so I switched to bait drag with 9oz to hold. The breeze was much more comfortable there than the other spot, but added to the tough conditions. Oh well gotta tuff it out. I baited up a nice rig I had tied the night before, added lead and proceeded to drop it over - as I released it I got that sinking feeling realizing I never hooked it to the swivel! oops. Let's leave it at good thing that was me and not her.
We repeated the drift until slack tide continuing to pick shorts. We moved over to the reach for the start of the outgoing but nuttin doin'. Lots of fish, only 1 keeper at 19".