hello everyone i am a Pennsylvania husband and father of two who is trying to get himself and family into saltwater fishing in the Atlantic City area. every year we head to A. C. for my wife and youngest daughter's birthdays and every year when they drag me to the beach i think to myself this would be alot cooler with a fishing rod in front of me!!!! so for the last 3 months i have been investigating where, when and how (thats actually how i found this site, which is awesome by the way)to saltwater fish in A. C. Through all my years of hunting and fishing the best information i ever got was from locals or other folks who frequent the area so I'm asking for suggestions, tips anything else you might have that would help me and the family have a fun day of fishing. my wife and i are in our early 30's and children are 10 and 5. thanks a bunch and keep casting in the right direction!!!!!