This is a heads up for the beginning of the summer season. The beach north of A23 is almost non existent during high tide. Plus the sand is very fluffy making driving extremely difficult. If you are not a seasoned driver stay away from A7 to A14, with the area around A12 being the worse. There have been many people stuck there this week and one had to get pulled out with a front end loader. The cost for that was a little over $1,000.
There have been cut backs in the maintenance crews so the park this year is a bit different than you saw it in the past years. With the lack of beach the crowds will be something else, please be tolerant of that fact. I can see things getting out of hand this year.
Even the park police have very limited coverage in man power and vehicles for the beach itself. If you see things that could be a problem call the gate house as patrolling might be a little lax this season.
Happy Catching