Here’s report from the sister ship the Tuna-Tic.
After a slow Thursday with only Mahi and a couple Tuna Saturday we made a move further North East and got into a nice steady chunk bite.
We started picking 50 to 60 pound Yellowfin around 10PM and it kept going all night. We landed a nice Sword after a 1 hour fight around 2AM and continued to pick Tuna till morning. A big Hammer head did make it difficult for a few hours as he did treat himself to several circling Tuna. All in all it was a great trip lets hope the hang around this year.
The Tuna-Tic is almost fully Booked for the season, with only some weekday trips still available. So if you want to get in on the action and catch some of theses beasts yourself, jump on the Islanders Open boat this weekend. The Tuna -Tic will have one more trip in this week and will be out there hailing us over to the fish for this Saturday/Sunday trip. Don't miss out on a great opportunity, you can't go out and catch the inshore tuna for this price. This weekend’s trip we will look to pull out around 7:00am on Saturday and return around 4:00pm Sunday. You will not get this deal elsewhere.
Contact Captain Mike 609-709-0695 to book your trip.