Here is a link to the white house web that will give you an opportunity to submit a question for Pres Obama to be answered after his state of the union address. Everyone needs to submit a question about the loss of fishing jobs and why he continues to allow such. The link is here and it takes no more than 5 minutes to do. Send this to all fishermen you know who support elimination of catch shares, more flexibility in regulations, and support fishing jobs. I did it. The speech is tues night so you have 4 more days to do this. you go to the above, then scroll down till you see “your questions answered” on the right, then scroll down to “how to participate” and click on #3, then fill out the form and then type in your question. If everyone submits the question about why the pres is allowing jane lubchenco to eliminate fishing jobs by forcing catch shares on everyone and also using the overly restrictive regs to shut down fisheries based on flawed or no science and refusing to listen to decades of experience from historical fishermen, then maybe we might get some attention. Clearly the more people who submit questions on the same issue the more likely we will get attention. Use your own words and try to keep it short. Fishermen in the northeast are doing this so let’s join in and have fishermen across the country do it.
Capt Bob