Hey guy's... While on the way to work early today I stopped off for a cup of coffee..... Some of the local fisherman where there talking about the fish just being outside of casting range.
So being I take Rt.35 to work I took a swing up to the beach for a fast look....
WOW this has to be some of the best water I have seen for using the kayak off the beach....West wind and clean water.
Just as you get past the last set of waves....take the rod and start trolling while you paddle..... YES I did say Troll something that works better then a boat because of the speed your going in a kayak.
While doing so you can use plugs,Ava's,metal,tubes,Bunker Spoons, Just about anything a boat will use you can do better..... If trolling the bunker spoon I recommend you remove the weight by just the screw that hold the weight on.....Works better.... Swims better.
Keep in mind the kayak is a great way to fish and you can do so much that boats cant....You can't go as fast as a boat...But you can catch big fish like if you had one.
This sport of kayaking and fishing from a kayak is just so easy..... Anyone can do what I do with mine....Take a kayak for a test run and see what your missing....Think safe....Be safe.
Kayak 1