Author Topic: FISH POLICE  (Read 5248 times)

Offline CapBob

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« on: August 29, 2007, 10:38:13 AM »
This is an article by Mike Grecco that was posted in the Asbury Park Press. It speak volumes.

I do not condone, nor never have breaking the regulations, but his is what is going to haoppen with over regulations. There is just so much the average guy can take.........

Both commercial and Sport Fishing have to have parity in size limit and allolwable poundage to be landed.........

as they said in the movie:
"I am mad as hell and am not going to take it anymore"

This is an article I wrote that appears in todays Asbury Park Press. Something has to be done to stop the nonsence. Mike
"Fish police" shouldn't bother measuring size of fluke catch
Posted by the Asbury Park Press on 08/28/07
So, 53 tickets were issued for fishing violations by our courageous state Department of Environmental Protection Division of Fish and Wildlife enforcement "fish" cops. ("53 tickets issued for fishing violations in DEP sweep; 195 recreational boats inspected," Aug. 21.)

What were these violations? Trafficking in drugs? No. Operating a boat under the influence of drugs or alcohol? No. Physical violence upon one's neighbor? No. What then? Fishing with your little kid and catching a fluke, porgie, sea bass, weakfish, striped bass, black fish ad nauseam that may be 1/16th of an inch smaller than some brainless bureaucrat's concept of what a legal size fish should be.

We, the people, are sick of this nonsensical, arbitrary and malicious imposition of this poorly conceived and vigorously executed "fisheries management law."

When the fluke regulations were first imposed, any fish under 14.5 inches was illegal and had to be returned to the sea. Everyone happily complied, because we believed the 14-inch fish we were releasing would be a keeper next year. Not so. The following year, the regulations said a legal fluke is now 15 inches and anything smaller must be returned to the sea. Everyone happily complied, because we believed the 15-inch fish we were releasing would be a keeper next year. Not so. The following year, the regulations said a legal fluke is 15.5 inches and anything smaller must be returned to the sea. Everyone complied, because we hoped the 15.5-inch fluke we were releasing would be a keeper next year. Not so.

The following year the regulations said a legal fluke is 16 inches and anything smaller must be returned to the sea. Everyone complied in disgust, because now we suspected that next year the new legal size would most likely be 16.5 inches and because there were more fluke available now than in the past 30 years.

Sure enough, the new regulations stated that a keeper fluke is now 16.5 inches and anything smaller must be returned to the sea. The regulations for 2007 state that a keeper fluke must be 17 inches and anything smaller must be returned to the sea.

Remember that 14.5-inch keeper fluke from six years ago? It turns out that a 14-inch fluke is actually a keeper. How can that be?

It is and always has been a keeper for the commercial fisherman, the draggers who catch more fish in a day than a hook-and-line angler catches in a lifetime. They can keep 14-inch fluke.

We need the dragger, who works in a dangerous environment and provides a great service and food for millions of people. But if they can keep a 14-inch fluke, we all should have the privilege. This disgusting mess with regards to fluke also applies to porgies, sea bass, weakfish, black fish, striped bass, etc.

Now we have these Fish and Wildlife enforcement officers racing down the beaches, docks and boat launches to nail the "fish criminals" with their measuring boards and ticket books. They pursue their jobs with a zest and zeal that leads me to suspect they believe they are making a positive impact on society.

Give me a break. Enough is enough. The situation is begging for public defiance. Only just and reasonable laws are accepted and obeyed by the public. It's time for this nonsense to stop. It's time for New Jersey to tell the federal government we will not be ground under the feet of tyrannical, nonsensical and unjust laws regarding how many pounds of certain species can be caught each season by recreational fishermen. With the right leadership, thousands would follow.

Michael Grecco

Offline Mister Penguin

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« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2007, 11:00:53 AM »
Maybe everyone should start taking shorts ??hahaha, I dont think the police can pull over everyone for going 70 mph on NJ Turnpike ;D

Seriously though, it does take some of the fun out when you have no fish to take home, especially when you catch a lot of shorts that are like inch or less short!!! which I seem to be doin alot this season.

Offline ped579

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« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2007, 11:28:53 AM »
Hi Everyone,

Nothing will change until we realize that the environmentalists wackos are running this show.  They are now the new play ground bully and the only way I remember of taking care of such a person is to fight back and hit hard.

We need numbers to do that and that is in part what this site is all about.  Now if we could only convince the politicians that there is something drastically wrong with the grim picture that has been painted we as sportsmen will be a dieing breed in this country.

I personally will not give up as they will have to rip my pole from my hands after kicking and fighting my way to the water to fish.

As our numbers grow so will the interest in our side of this story will be heard by those in a position to make changes.  So, invite your friends, relatives, coworkers heck even your enemies to join the site and voice their opinion.

I challenge any NJ politician to get on here and tell us the whole story behind why he or she is in favor of limitations to this dilemma.

Happy Catching


"Hypocrisy is not a fault these days - it is a lifestyle"

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Offline Bucktail

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« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2007, 01:10:17 PM »
Nothing will change until we realize that the environmentalists wackos are running this show.

It seems to me that we should all be working together to help improve and maintain our environment.  With all due respect to you Paul and my new friends on this board, it bothers me when we have to resort to calling people names, who (in my view) are probably just trying to do the right thing to better the environment for everyone.

I'm not saying that I always agree with the way some groups handle things or the regulations and restrictions that they push for.  But, I do not agree that, "environmentalist wackos are running this show."  I believe that although their collective voices may be the loudest right now, it is the large, powerful, global corporations that are truly running the show. They are constantly pushing us to the other extreme of over-harvesting, over-development, deregulation, pollution, deforestation etc.  When you look at it that way, it seems to me that the "environmentalists" are closer to our side then you think.

I remember a time when fishermen and hunters were the environmentalists.  Somewhere along the way we lost that lead position.  Nevertheless, I think we would all do better by finding common ground and working with these other groups rather than being dismissive and derogatory.


Offline ped579

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« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2007, 01:49:56 PM »
How long do you think it would take to come to a common ground with them.  They want it their way all the time and I am tired of trying to come to a common ground. 

If there is something wrong with something I am all for trying to fix it by all means but to take so many years to figure what the problem is, especially with such a complex problem as this all sides should sit down and come to a consensus.

But I think that is a pipe dream by now. 

Happy Catching


"Hypocrisy is not a fault these days - it is a lifestyle"

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Offline Bucktail

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« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2007, 05:07:41 PM »
By the way, I realize now I didn't make this clear, but I agree with the sentiment of the article.  Just not with the name calling.  The DEP is a necessary organization that has done a lot of good in the past. 

Unfortunately I believe it has been broken by political and corporate greed.  Why they ticket people with a short fluke or two and then relax the rules to make it easier for corporations to pollute our air and water angers me.

Without getting too political, I will leave it at that.  Suffice it to say, I am on your side. ;D


Offline ped579

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« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2007, 05:10:49 PM »

"Hypocrisy is not a fault these days - it is a lifestyle"

NJBBA: 4567

Ham Call; N2HYG Monitor RPT.  146.835

Offline CAPT. JOHN K.

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« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2007, 07:40:45 PM »
Just a reminder guys.....there is a meeting in Belmar,N.J. at the Pavillion on the boardwalk on Sept. 17th at 19:30 (7:30 PM) There will be some politicians there to hear if anyone has ideas as  how to solve this problem. All we do is complain but noone ever offers any solutions. If you have any ideas, please make every attempt to be there. The last meeting that was held there the place was packed. Lets show them some numbers (strength). Hoping to see you there. This is important fellas.
                 Capt. John K.
"Fishing," as close to heaven as I'll ever get!

Offline Bucktail

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« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2007, 10:02:40 PM »
I don't know my schedule for the rest of this month yet, but I will definitely go if my work schedule permits. 

I think a lot of people don't know what they can do about all of this.  That's why we just mostly complain.  But if it's a show of numbers that's important then we all need to be there.

You should post a all the details on the board like a day or two before.  Or better yet, maybe Hotrod can make it sticky. ;D


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« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2007, 05:41:00 AM »
beat on the little guy :-\

Offline Whiskers

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« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2007, 11:32:21 AM »
53 violations out of 195 boarded vessels, is a little more than 25%, now the question is what were the violations. Where they all size/quota violations? Were there safety equipment, licensing violations? If they were all size quota violations, I would say there is a problem. How many commercial boats did they board? Customers come into the shop and tell me about watching mates on various boats (no names mentioned) fileting 14 inch fish for customers. How many coolers are inspected by the "fishcops" when these boats dock?
One of the problems is that they pass these restrictions, but the enforcement is lax. I have never been boarded, or ever had anyone ask me about my fish, and HOTROD can tell ya, I am old. If they are going to do this, they have to raise the penalties and publicize the citations, arrest, whatever. Let people know they are looking.
I know as a new guy on this board, this is probably pretty unpopular. But they are going to keep raising the size limits, shortening the seasons, and the daily limit, until they see the numbers they want.

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« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2007, 11:50:59 AM »
But as I am sure you are aware as soon as they see the numbers they want they will want all new numbers. It never changes. Also these numbers are based on some computer modeled projection--- remember the GIGO principle- Garbage in, Garbage out.





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