Broke the inlet at approx 0830 with Buddy and Tim. Were greated with nice conditions. Headed direct to the SE rubble piles on the Sea Girt Reef as most of the boat traffic was on the NE corner. Made several. Drifts and bites were SLOW! After some time there we managed a skate, nice ling, 2 keeper CB and a short fluke. Moved towards the Klondike and tried drifting over 1 of the wrecks without any action. With a SW'ish drift we drifted from deeper to shallow on the South side of the tabletop. Managed 1 20" fluke and a few misses as the drift stepped up with increasing winds and chop. We all had afternoon things to do so we started in around 2 hitting the NE rubble piles of the reef before heading to dock.
Not a ton of meat but, had a great.