The Morning started out great wind SW 78 D. The ocean was Flat Calm. Set up my stuff and again large schools of splashing slashing Blues and every type of Sea bird swooping and diving.They were just 100 yards off the beach More or Less. Only a few swimmers in the water when the life guards called them from the water
I asked why they went
think there's something in the water they told us on the radios to get everyone out of the water, 15 minutes latter the all clear sounded still
, And the Blue fish was after that got ahead of my self that time
. The Fleet seemed to be very far out i would say off Long branch. like 6-8 boats they came and left in 3 hours with some staying. The east boud traffic was heavy around 10;30am with 6 sport fisherman in a convoy booking it north. The Beach was very crowded today. This is True a couple from Colorado sitting next to us were looking for a good Sea Food Restaurant . They stayed in Asbury Park at the Berkeley Carteret they check in during the night and when they stepped out in the morning
They checked out. NO BS. NOW his choice for Fish Dinner was ( Blue Fish ) he was from NJ Originally and said he missed it. I sent them to Belmar to Kliens. So there is some one else Like me that cares for Yellow eyes once in a while.
So its back to the same spot in the morning sitting at the high tide line 8am .Bill