Well it was one of those days....reports of weather and wind going against you with little or no intel of a fish bite....cousin D ragging all thursday of "hows the wind...Hows the tide...Hows the temp...is it raining...is it sunny...should i wear a diaper......"......but once we met at the dock, and realized we were fishing on a Friday and not working....all was good ...the jokes started almost immediately and was pretty much a laugh-a-thon once we got past the wicked tough chop for the first hour till the fishing grounds....from then on it was a combo of fish and more laughs and some of the Best Sandwiches I have ever eaten! Thanks Cousin D and Chris for the effort of sandwiches from the best sandwich shop in Northern New Jersey!( and i agree totally after eating my first bite!}.....Cosmos ......what a delicious sandwich and bread to die for!......any way Capt Jack made an appearance to solidify one of the best outings I have ever been on!