Author Topic: GAMBLER— Half day fluke and Night trips  (Read 1501 times)

Offline Capt Bogan

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GAMBLER— Half day fluke and Night trips
« on: June 26, 2019, 09:47:39 PM »
Our fluking the last few days had good action just not that many keepers. We are also seeing some sea bass, which we cannot keep for another week. A handful of tasty ling and bluefish have been caught on our fluke drifts. We're also have had some sea robins big enough to filet along with a few sand sharks. So, plenty of action just not a ton of keeper fluke right now. With the nice weather it will help warm up the water and we hope to see the bigger fish start to become more aggressive. Pool winners have been in the 3-5 lb range.

We are looking forward to our night trips this week starting, Tomorrow, Thursday night. We have been doing very well on ling along with some small blues, flounder, squid and other species. Lots of fun on the night trips.

The weather looks good for this weekend, some come on out.

We are also doing our annual 4th of July fireworks cruise, tickets can be purchased through our website.





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