Launched from Sewaren at a little after 7 am for a cool but smooth ride to GK for some bunker. Small schools of bunker spread out just outside the harbor. Tried throwing the net umteen times with nothin but snails and cabbage. Put on the snagging hooks and it was game on. Filled my small live well and headed a little south east. Spoke to mboy on the cell and he wasn't far behind us. First drop I get a nice run off and hook up. Nice striper that I bring all the way to the boat only to have it get off after I bounced it off the side of the boat trying to steer it into the net. Put on another fresh live bunker and hook up with a gator blue. More fresh bunker, more gator blues. Finally get another nice run off and boat a 33" striper that quickly goes in the cooler. All this was just at the end of the incoming. Ran back to GK for more bait at slack and by the time we got em and got back the winds were howling. A few more blues and that was it . Met up with mboy a couple of times thru out the day. Took a good beating on the ride back to the ramp but hey...It was way better than going to work.