Nick, here is the directions I found for a SeaStar system. Most other systems should operate the same.
SeaStar Fill & Purge,
Single Station - One Cylinder
Step 1: Screw the threaded end of the fi ller tube
into the helm fi ller hole. Remove the cap from the
oil bottle and holding upright, screw into the fi ller
tube bottle cap. Turn bottle upside down and poke
hole in the bottom of the bottle. Fill the helm pump
full of oil (oil should always be visible in the fi ller
tube). Use the next bottle at any time through out the
procedure when the oil level drops in the fi ller tube.
Do not proceed with Step 2 until helm is full of oil.
Step 2: Turn the steering wheel clockwise until
cylinder rod is fully extended on the right side of the
cylinder. Open right side bleeder.
Step 3: Holding the cylinder rod (to prevent it from
moving back into the cylinder), turn the steering
wheel coun ter clock wise until a steady stream of airfree
oil comes out of the bleeder. (Drain out about
1/2 bottle of oil as required.) Use only your hands
to restrain the cylinder rod. Do not use vise
grips, pliers or other metal tools to stop cylinder
rod from moving - these tools can damage the
cylinder rod, causing leakage to occur. Ordinary
hand strength is suffi cient to hold the rod. While
con tinu ing to turn the wheel, close the right side
bleeder and let go of the cylinder rod.
Step 4: Continue turning the steering wheel
coun ter clock wise until the cylinder rod is fully
extended to the left. (Steering wheel will come to a
stop). Open the left bleeder.
Step 5: Holding the cylinder rod to prevent it from
moving back into the cylinder, turn the steering
wheel clockwise until a steady stream of air-free
oil comes out of bleeder. Use only your hands to
restrain the cylinder rod. While continuing to turn
the wheel, close the left side bleeder and let go of
the cylinder rod. Fill and purge is now complete.