Headed out with my co-worker Al once more. Aimed south into some nasty wind against swells. Not too much fun riding out in that. Made a few drops near the Shrewsbury Rocks as there were birds and marks on the screen but nothing. Little furthur south we picked up a few sea bass, one being a keeper. The drift was no fun with the swells so we setup for the troll.
Trolled for about 30 min and one line went off. I was on the long line and what turned out to be a 5-6 lb Bonito peeled off some line. 30 min later line 2 went off with a False Albie. Bout an hour after that picked up Bonito number 2. After that it cooled off so we aimed our troll north. Picked up one blue that made a mess of our lines so after that we picked up and aimed home.
Near the tip of the hook we saw birds everywhere and a white screen and starting throwing anything we could while staying with the birds and never even got a tap.
All in all a good day in not so good water, though it did lay down for the ride home.