I made the trip this morning with a total of 8 anglers....Capt. Mike made a bee line to the Romer bar, where we set up near the Fisherman and another non sponsor PB.
Had the outgoing bite for a good couple of hours and moved to the back bay when that died.
Overall great day.....my fishing buddy Duke, had the pool with a nice fish (never heard anyone say they had a "bad fish" when it was a striper
).....I had 3 keepers with a runner up for the pool...lost another nice one at the boat side, plus a few shorts....all total,11 keepers for the boat,....nice day on the Seahawk clamming for the linesiders.....only 2 blues the entire day for the boat, both bite offs near the boat.
Capt Mike worked hard to keep us on the fish today....good group on board today.