The meeting of Dec. 1st sponsored by Save the Summer Flounder Fishing Fund (SSFFF) was a joint effort to get information out to you. The meeting was well attended and due to the urgency of the state of our fishery in question is perceived to be in all were hoping that more anglers would of been able to get out and be more involved.
There are many people that are fighting for your ability to fish and be able to pass this tradition along to generations to come. You need to get involved in some way weather it is by simply attending meetings like last nights eye opener, or by sending e-mails, faxes, letters to our Legislators, telling them how you feel or by phone calls to get them to realize that the system is skewed by non factual information that is dictating the final outcome of our fishability for years to come.
I have to say is was a pleasure to finally meet Capt. Tony Bogan, Ray Bogan, Adam Luwauski (sorry for the butchering), and Jim Hutchinson Jr., the core of the speakers for last nights emergency meeting.
It was also nice to have Erik Wong there who spoke on behalf of Rep. Frank Pallone. Mr. Wong read a statement by Rep. Pallone and we thank him for that. See the attached statement.
We have a Press Release by Jim Hutchinson Jr, that shows that we as anglers are being attacked on all fronts. It is not just our area but all coastal concerns are susceptible to restricted bag limits, larger keeper lengths and closures. All due to flawed science.
Please, I urge you to become involved by just showing up at a meeting like Dec 1st. It is a boost int teh arm for those that are doing the majority of the work knowing you are supporting their efforts means a lot.
This fight will be a long and hard one, we need to support those that are on the front lines. The continuation of the sport we all love and cherish and one that is passed from generation to generation is in jeopardy. We all need to get involved.
I apologize for not giving you specific details but I am sure Capt Tony will make sure that the information passed along last night gets to you. Please continue to support these groups as they are fighting for you.
Happy Catching
RFA Press Release