Not a bad day that "T" holding up those three nice fluke?
T and I snuck out on Friday for some fluking. She managed 3 keepers while I only put two over the rail. Got mine on 1oz glo spro tipped with pink 4" gulp swim mullet. Think all T's keepers were on pink spro and pink gulp. LOTS of shorts for action though.
I tried the larger 6" Gulp power grub and caught smaller shorts
Did go to hanging a teaser above the bucktail and went with a 3" gulp shrimp but only enticed shorts to bite it. Best action, keepers, and larger shorts all came on solo bucktail for me. T tried some snappers for awhile but no real action on them
Guy that was high hook and took the pool was using boat-bait and 6" Power grub on regular fluke rig. Really worked his baits constantly.