Author Topic: mirror lake  (Read 3712 times)

Offline surfrocket

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mirror lake
« on: September 08, 2008, 03:49:37 AM »
took the princess out this morning,for some see what happins fishing. we were live lining minnows,lol. 7 fisty pickerel,and a painted turtle. all were released un harmed,the turtle was tough, but he is good. the largest pickeral was about 2.5 to 3 lbs,daddy got that one. it was tough though... naming the minnows,then hooking them up and casting them out. as funny as it is, the largest minnow "daddy" caught the biggest pickerel. the smallest minnow "america" caught the turtle. leroy,patric,sammy,missy,and johnathin,all caught fish. tommy,rachel,and zoey,didnt survive the trip. terry,joey,amanda,spongebob,and dilbert ended up in my pond. i'm sure i left out some of the minnows we had today,but i'm sure they will understand. we also had worms and they were very slermy, Adrionna, "my daughter" enjoyed them slerming on her hand. she even made the slermy fellas a bed,and named them too,but that is another story,lol.

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Re: mirror lake
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2008, 09:14:17 AM »
To cute...Way to go with the little one.  I can still remember those days.

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Offline Pfishingruven

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Re: mirror lake
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2008, 03:53:16 PM »
What a great day out fishing!  My son doesn't talk too much, so we haven't named the killies or shiners, but he likes to sneak in the bait bucket and "free" them!  By the end of a days fishing, 25 went on the line as bait and 100 in the water to feed the fish, hhppy!  It really is fun taking them fishing.  Nice catch.  Gotta love pickerel and sunnies too!  Always pull through and give the kids some action for the day.


Offline getthenet

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Re: mirror lake
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2008, 06:12:08 AM »
i remember those days ...only it was me naming them. and to this day i still can't put live bait on the line. poor little minnows...


Offline Pfishingruven

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Re: mirror lake
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2008, 03:07:25 PM »
I never remember naming them!  I do remember telling them to go get me a fish or go get me a big fish hhppy!

I still talk to the live bait!  Last time I told it to go do it's job and catch me a fish.  Seconds after it hit the water, it caught me a lm bass!  Must still work??

 rofla rofla


Offline surfrocket

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Re: mirror lake
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2008, 08:39:40 PM »





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