took the princess out this morning,for some see what happins fishing. we were live lining minnows,lol. 7 fisty pickerel,and a painted turtle. all were released un harmed,the turtle was tough, but he is good. the largest pickeral was about 2.5 to 3 lbs,daddy got that one. it was tough though... naming the minnows,then hooking them up and casting them out. as funny as it is, the largest minnow "daddy" caught the biggest pickerel. the smallest minnow "america" caught the turtle. leroy,patric,sammy,missy,and johnathin,all caught fish. tommy,rachel,and zoey,didnt survive the trip. terry,joey,amanda,spongebob,and dilbert ended up in my pond. i'm sure i left out some of the minnows we had today,but i'm sure they will understand. we also had worms and they were very slermy, Adrionna, "my daughter" enjoyed them slerming on her hand. she even made the slermy fellas a bed,and named them too,but that is another story,lol.