Good to meet ya MGM.
Was worried there wouldn't be enough fares to sail and surprised close to 30 showed up.
Overall a pick of fish with some good flurries of action. Bite is still off on the bucktails IMHO. They still ain't stopping them with force or atleast haven't been while I've been out on the water.
Bummer of the day was when I swung in a bluefish and somehow lowered my rod too quick and slammed it into the rail...rail 1, graphite blank 0. SNAP! Already have my call into Billy, my rod builder, and he's getting me a replacement blank.
Switched to my old reliable GUSA 704 conventional aka Gottog's Bucktailing stick and put a few fish over the rail. Ended up with 3 keepers and just got the pool with my biggest.
Damn smooth doggie made me think I had a bass on
Was a pretty big doggie though. Safely released too.
Did hear that they had a very small crowd out for their Magic Hours trip afterwards and had some action. High hook had 4 keepers.
They're out again now and just picking away. Think he only has 7 fares today
One guy does have 3 keepers already, but overall was slow I'm told.
Almost forgot, sabiki'd up some tinker mackeral before we set sail. Did add one to my Spro/Gulp combo and did catch a few shorts, birds, and pool winner on it