First off AB -- Got the email to late... someother time... can't access the internet at work anymore...
Ran it down today wit Bizmarkie Mark..... Nasty crap on the nexrad but the reds and oranges stayed well to the south and passed offshore of AC... still dealt with rain most of the morning... 8ozs was needed early on but as the rain and storms moved off the wind died out and the seas were like a lake for the rest of the day.....
bites were tuff.... had to make everyone count..... bizzy was busy tying back up most of the day ... LOTTA SMALL FISH, yet we managed to take 10 fish home, .... b4 quiting for the day ran to the east to check out some lumps.... LOTTA little C-bass... then ran northeast for the same results.... at which time boat motor decided it want to keep raising up out of the water so the day was done...
No pix today as we were rushed to get back in so i could drop the problem off at gateway before they closed.... looks like a switch and all should be well sometime tomorrow