After my last blackfishing fiasco I am thrilled to say what is likely the final trip of the season went great. Got a late start due to unpredictable weather and got rolling with the a crew of Freddy and Kevin at about 1000 hrs. Headed north in crappy n/ne wind and we were all thinking we should have stayed home. Found the piece, dropped the marker and went up and set the hook and when we came tight the marker was sitting between the outboards. Drop and reel fishing for the next 3 hours as we put our limit of 18 in the boat with many more 15-16" keepers thrown back. We never even had to move around the boat as the fish were thick on the structure. Within an hour or so the wind dropped out and it was a beautiful afternoon. God Bless Our Troops and thoughts and prayers to the crew and families of the Alishia Marie.