By Al Ristori
April 12, 2010, 7:50PM
The N.J. Division of Fish and Wildlife has proposed a change in striped bass regulations from the two at a minimum of 28 inches that applies all along the coast to a conservation equivalency of one at 24 inches or geater plus another of 32 inches or more. The Technical committee has approved that change which is calculated to actually improve the spawning stock biomass (SSB). The concept was accepted today during a conference call of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Striped Bass Advisory Panel. Ex-state Senator Lou Bassano and I are the N.J. members of that panel, and we both supported the proposal. Some other members had reservations, but the vote ended in favor by 8 to 2.
The next step will be consideration at the ASMFC Spring Meeting. If approved there, the Division will have to consider setting up punlic hearings as this proposal was developed by the Marine Fisheries Council in conjunction with the state's marine scientists -- and the general public hasn't had much of a chance to weigh in the change. Furthermore, changes in striped bass regulations must be approved by the state legislature. The change could come this year, though I suspect 2011 is more likely