I had a last minute cancelation for today so I grab my 8 year old son and two of his 8 year old buddies for a short morning fluke trip.The boys were pumped and telling each other how they were going to catch the most fish the whole way down the bay.We found alot of swell pushing up into the bay but it did not affect the bite. The boys did great setting their own hooks and reeling in thier own fish. Plenty of short action with some real nice keepers mixed in. 8 year old Chris let out a shout of OOOOOOO I have a bigun!!!!! Since they were all using light trout rods even a postage stamp puts up a good fight. Well after some pumping and reeling I swung the net on a nice 20"fish. The 2nd and 3rd time Chris said he had a big one I had the net ready for more 20" fish. Sure enough he had more big ones. The boys had very good action with 45 short fluke,4 sea robins and 4 keeper fluke(19.5" 19.5 20" 20") in 2.5 hours of fishing. A real nice morning and now some real nice memories