These are just a few fluke we caught on our last trip aboard"ever enough" fishin the hook channel bouy#2.We were drifting on a perfect drift and using killie wit a strip of squid/belly. On our first drift we got 4 keepers and continued to pick up a fish or two each drift we made.We had quite a few pleasure boats around and it seemed they were also doing as well but not any party boats at first.My woman was using green feathers with killie/squid combo which was just as good as my plain ole hook with killie/belly combo.
When the fishin let up we ran closer to the tip of the hook where the bunker were crashin and breakin snaged a fish hold full for our next offshore trip which hopefully be this week as our fuel tank is not ready yet but we did manage to pick up 2 more fluke before headin bact . any way happy fishin and a safe voyage to all.I didnt have a measurement at the time my arm is 26.5 inches so i guess it was a good size one.
PS my mom said it was delicious