Well heard of 15-25 mph winds and huge sea's..All lies...No wind and flat seas.Headed out at 5pm.
Started the eveing driftin on killer marks, great temps and NOTHING. Moved 9 thousands times for drifts and got the huge.. O....Had 3 well respected p/b and 2 charter vessels 20 feet from me and all a big fat O. Spoke with 3 of them [by cellie} all the same crap good temp super reading but nothing hungry.
Moved 9 hundred times more and what do you no...O....fish.... not a hit not a run off NOT A THING, id be happy with a skate at this point but their not hungrey either. Moved many times had awesome reading/temps but 0 taker's not even a searobin which at this point..id be happy to welcome/kill one...Then did the troll,nothing for an hour.........
Ended the night in calm sea's, a lite wind and a conversation with the USCG, for a call from East rockaway inlet for a vessel in disterss, EverEnough was able/willing to help, our eta was 15-25 minutes at that time, yes we were floating eveywhere but fortunately someone was closer... All and all, I NO LONGER BELIEVE THE WEATHER REPORTS..all of them lie. our take was Zero fish..Zero Run off's And ZERO hits... but had a great time in flat seas and no wind.. However my question is.......wheres the bunker...i guessing it in the commercial's nets.Dammit