What price freedom:
Throughout history, millions of courageous men and women have served and protected this Country we call America. America! Land of the FREE!
1776, We the peoples of this new country declares that we are, and will forever be, free!
This New Country, this land born from a diversity of oppressed cultures, this land of opportunities, bears the hopes and dreams of so many. The though of being able to choose the life one want to live, is at best, a concept for most, a dream, a dream so far from reality that it resembles a fairy tale, a mythical land of fiction. We, in America, refuse to accept that concept of reality. We will be FREE, FREE at any cost. But what cost freedom? Freedom has never, is, and will never be, free. Freedom, a reality bought and paid for with blood, shattered bones, shattered lives. We, all of us, are FREE because we in this country have, and will continue to, pay the price, the price for freedom. Many patriots, heroes, Americans have, in the course of freedom, given all that they could possibly give. Thousands upon thousands of Americans, America's heroes, will never again step foot on American soil. Thousands have returned as 'Wounded Warriors'.
It is to the veterans of this great country that we owe our freedom, our American way of life, our American dream. We can never even hope to pay these heroes, these 'Wounded Warriors' what they are really worth. What price FREEDOM! How do you re-pay Mister Pete Herrick, Iraq war veteran. Mister Herrick proudly served in the navy of this country. Six weeks before 9/11 he was severely injured in a mortar attack. What price freedom? Today, this American hero is joined by his courageous wife, Diana, and his father, his father known only as 'Mountain Man'. Thanks to the State of Maine for giving us the Herrick family.
Thanks to Mister Ralph Raperto, a Vietnam 'Wounded Warrior'. for giving more than any man should ever be asked to give. After having his left arm shattered, this man, this American legend, returned to battle, to defending his country. A short time later a land mine claimed both of his legs. What price freedom?
In a show of gratitude, of patriotism, the Allen's, owners of Tiger Island Outfitters, rewarded these American icons with a good old Southern tradition, a hunt for the Florida wild boar. Ralph shot two. He had a smile on his face from ear to ear. Ralph used a WW ll rifle to down his prizes. Following a tremendously exciting hunt, was a real Southern tradition, a BBQ feast fit for a king, fit for a 'Wounded warrior!. Live music, with a Southern flair, was provided by Shell Mound 3.
Thanks to Tiger island Outfitters for organizing this tribute to our 'Wounded Warriors' And a very special thanks to the many organizations who donated so much, to the fine chefs, to Shell mound 3, to the grateful patrons of this country, this FREE country, for making this tribute, this salute to America's heroes, to our 'Wounded Warriors', possible.
What price freedom:
What a feast:

Even 'Mountain Man' from Maine enjoys a good old Southern feast:

The Music...Southern stile:

Mister Pete Herrick & Family:

Mister Ralph Raperto:

Check out the 10 minute video of the Tiger Island tribute to our real heroes, our 'Wounded Warriors!'
Mister Chuck Echenique, 'VIEWS FROM THE BLIND' columnist Woods''nWater Magazine, gives the dedication:
(click on the link)
Bob Harbison Native Florida Sportsman, member Florida Outdoor Writers Association