Author Topic: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach  (Read 6893 times)

Offline overbite

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The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« on: August 15, 2012, 10:05:58 AM »
And down it comes. Score one against the Wind Mill Turbine. Now more Legal fees and back and forth. And who gets stuck with the bill for it all.
Go get them AL TT^ w00t w00t w00t w00t

Offline Offshore Madness

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2012, 01:24:13 PM »
it was 65,000 a month for that crane to sit there.Add in the other costs and its around 150,000 a month. When the bill goes back to court there's more tax payers money ....In the end union beach will not only have rented a crane for 65,000 a month and have it do nothing! they will have to rent it again when the bill passes.........its a waste of tax payers cash....and prolonging it will only cost more!!!!
Why does it Matter to you? cause I could careless.........

Offline Salty Dog

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2012, 02:22:00 PM »
Makes one think of a dog ,chasing his own tail . nosmly

Offline overbite

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2012, 03:25:47 PM »
Hopefully it will not come back. After seeing where they planed on putting it. It does not belong there. Bill After seeing a show last night Windmill Cowboys, even tho it was a dramatized show . It showed what can go wrong with them. From fires to flying blades to toppling. it was the largest wind mill farm in the USA Huston Texas.
Lets see put it in Red Bank, Rumson, Fair Heaven. Shrewsbury, yea sure  fcp   

Offline Offshore Madness

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2012, 04:12:24 PM »
It was the brsa  idea.....It was supposed to power their equipment....In return and after its up and running the township wouldnt have to pay for the brsa electric. If it works well it could open the doors for bigger and better things...

  As for the turbine problems,yes they all "can" have issues and im sure there will be however i dont think the blades will fly though the air or the tower crumb and crush the whole sewage plant,that show is  scripted just like every other show.....I think the non supporters are only wasting their time come on your fighting a township and money because in the end the turbine will be going up........

  Just a side note your tax money pays for the entire court process,you pay the judge, cops, lawyers, the township's lawyer, the whole thing! its like taking your self to court and suing yourself and losing!
Why does it Matter to you? cause I could careless.........

Offline IKAT

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2012, 05:46:05 PM »
UUMMMMM I think they should put SOLAR panels up-Then we can tap into them to power BigAls house   chrz
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 05:51:00 PM by IKAT »

Offline BigAl13

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2012, 05:57:08 PM »
 clp clp clpThe BRSA are the ones that had to foot the bill for the crane not Union Beach. Felt great to see the flat beds pulling out of there today. The BRSA is not run by the township of UB its a company. Yes the lawyer fees and court costs are paid by us but its a mere bag of shells compared to the effects of that Goliath thing. What bigger and better things could it lead to?? More wind mills? If the BRSA where smart (which I dont think they are) the should sell there turbine to someone who can put it somewhere it belongs and utilize there property for better alternative energy. Solar would cost much less and generate much more. A natural gas turbine would not only cover there entire electrical load (which the turbine wouldnt) but generated more then neede to sell back to the grid in turn make them money. Im glad that there stopped for now hopefully a permanent stoppage on this will be here soon. 
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Offline Offshore Madness

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2012, 06:17:11 PM »
yes more wind even settle for solar also. Some thing needs to be done it just happens the brsa wants to be the first! The only thing stopping them is the zoning its just a bump in the road for now.No matter how hard you fight it there will be a wind mill in the near future just a matter of how much money it will cost U.B......
Why does it Matter to you? cause I could careless.........

Offline BigAl13

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2012, 06:19:29 PM »
Aaron do you relix=ze that the turbine is only 1.5 mwh and will not benefit anyone but the BRSA The could put it in Belford and i wouldnt care either
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Offline overbite

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2012, 07:11:49 PM »
Now there's a place for one Belford  clp t^ A good location is where the old stinky was. And it would swat those Green heads, Right next to those Town houses. fcp

And its well documented what damage one can do.

Offline Offshore Madness

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2012, 06:32:41 AM »
i know that.and ub pays for the brsa right now! Hell yeah they can put one in my front and backyard im all for it! FYI- they are tryin to redo the coop down belford. Tryin to make it up and running again! and yes i support that also! It all comes down to the people near brsa dont want their view blocked. When i read the story from the court proceeding's it was all about the view............some times you got to give to get
Why does it Matter to you? cause I could careless.........

Offline BigAl13

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2012, 07:34:06 AM »
The view is the least of my concern. Its all the ill effects that this will cause. You saw the picture from my porch of that crane.  I dont want it  nosmly. Just a question why would you want a 300+ foot tall thing in your yard that would dp nothing positive for you ???.
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Offline Offshore Madness

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2012, 11:11:42 AM »
i saw the crane from my friends porch in person.In fact i watched it all them bring it them taking it down.......What ill effects are you talking about?

 Yes i would love to see them in working progress.From every thing i read on wind turbines they are pretty safe and when up and running will provide elec. Not trying to start any thing,all im saying is if we keep knocking down new and improved things,we will eventually run out of what were using or the prices will continue to rise.

 To say the are not safe and could fall or catch fire and you dont want them,is like not going on a boat any more because it could sink.........
Why does it Matter to you? cause I could careless.........

Offline BigAl13

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2012, 11:17:52 AM »
Im not going to state all the ill effects. Im all in to wond power at the right place and time. And being that im an engineer that works for a power company that owns wind farms I know what they do. My biggest gripe with this is that it will onlys benefit the BRSA. Not us at all infact our sewer bill went up 20% to fund the project thud. Next time your at Jeffs stop by and ill explain it to you.
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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2012, 12:30:57 PM »
I don't have much of clue about the exact issues you guys are talking about, nor does it really matter. Anytime there is something 'added' to a community beit, a drug rehab, mental disability center, wind mill, boat ramp, gun range, park, etc you will always have some that suffer from what the famous George Carlin coined as NIMBY.... Not In My BackYard.

Fred, fishing the "Kristy Marie" from Manasquan River Club. Channels 16/67/68.

Offline BigAl13

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2012, 12:57:34 PM »
 t^ Fred when its literaly on your back yard you see things in a different perspective
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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2012, 01:30:55 PM »
t^ Fred when its literaly on your back yard you see things in a different perspective

I agree. I am not saying anyone is wrong in their opinions as perception is always reality. I've seen it here where I live with people always saying 'we need x', 'we need y' then when it's time to put that stuff near them they freak out.

I'd agree that if tax payers money is used it should benefit the tax payers who fronted the money. It doesn't sound like that in this case.

As far as windmill safety goes I fly over and near the farms in AC and Scranton all the time. I have yet to see one ablaze or have a prop spinning off of it at me.

Fred, fishing the "Kristy Marie" from Manasquan River Club. Channels 16/67/68.

Offline IKAT

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2012, 04:59:30 PM »

As far as windmill safety goes I fly over and near the farms in AC and Scranton all the time. I have yet to see one ablaze or have a prop spinning off of it at me.

Fred--AS flying over the ones BY Scranton--Come up and take a ride with me and see them from the ground from miles away tucked in the mountain side --All I said was OH NO--- nosmly
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 05:00:21 PM by IKAT »

Offline overbite

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2012, 05:02:23 PM »
Al forgive them they know not.. I live in Marlboro and I sure won't see it. and when I heard the gripes of the residents of UB complain. I thought here we go again NIMBY  But The photo of the crane in relation to the houses. I had to take a closer look I fish Pebble beach and know there area well. Its a No brainer,  it does not belong in that location. The ones at AC are far out in the marsh. Among the Green heads and skeeters. And as BigAl as a Operating Engineer  And I as a Millwright have a working knowledge of what can and will go wrong.
Its always the case when out of towers have a opinion of whats best for some one else.
Many things have been forced on the public with its for the good of all. And all one has to do is a web search to see what can and did happen to many. Its not Fiction. Bill

And Al hope your Thumbs get better your spelling is failing lately fcp chrz chrz chrz chrz chrz
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 05:04:46 PM by overbite »

Offline BigAl13

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Re: The Crain Comes down- Union Beach
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2012, 05:08:09 PM »
The thumbs are fine its the no sleep thata getting me
Its better to sit in a boat and think about God, than to sit in a church and think about fishing.





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