Hi Guys,
For a conventional reel, it is hard to beat a Shimano Tekota 500. I spool it with 50 lb. Power Pro and it pulls with the best of them. They have a good drag. I use it for Stripers, blues and deepwater bottom fishing.
I have 8 of them and none of them have failed (the oldest 2 are 4 seasons old), even with heavy charter use and little or no maintenance.
The new Torque 100 has my attention as well.
As for rods, I am a fan of St. Croix's, Seeker, the Shimano Compre and I like the Trevala for jigging (there are some good high speed reels like the Torque to pair with it or of coursethe Shimano Torsa).
There are so many good choices that I would go to a good shop and pair different rods and reels and check them for balance, weight and fit for yourself.
I tried to answer both questions in one post. If you have questions, please feel free to PM.
Capt. Ed