Trying to squeeze these days in with all the rain and wind lately.... full moon made it an obstacle course coming thru the river and into back bay.... this dark chocolate water that comes out on outgoing isn’t fun.... almost have to move with outgoing towards hook just to stay ahead of the mess. About 10 shorts and 2 keepers for the day.... was marking great just before outgoing and it did turn on for a bit( like 1/2 hour).... but then wind with tide made for nice chop and marks literally disappeared .... most boats seemed to move towards Great Kills and did catch some shorts and witnessed couple keepers coming over the rail.... overall an ok day..... wish we could put a couple non rain days together and settle up the bay... bunker are plentiful. Stay safe and good luck 🍻🍺🥃!( solo trips ain’t fun Stew! least you got out and bent the rod!)