After a weekend blow out the wind stopped yesterday. The tide still flooded the banks, but when it started to drop I rounded up the dogs and made a relaxation trip to a couple of the closest sod bank spots. When I saw the temperature had dropped from 68 on Thursday to 55 yesterday I was very optomistic.
A 27"+ short ate a spot less than a minute after I threw it in the water. The next drift this 30" made the same misake
The total for a 2 hour trip was 4 to the boat, 3 were shorts and one more must have bit a rubber hook because it came unbuttoned after fighting a couple minutes.
I'll be buzy getting ready for Henry's show to bring you the best of all the new tackle, but from Thursday on I'll be available for what I'm sure will be great fishing. If you want to get in on it give me a call. 609-484-0409