NJ Beach Access
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- Category: Uncategorised
- Published: Saturday, 13 January 2007 05:08
- Hits: 83117
Items required to drive on the beach:
First Aid Kit
Snatch Rope or Tow Chain
Tire Pressure Gauge
Jack w/Large Support Board 3/4"
Flash Light
Spare Tire
Self-Contained Toilet (where applicable)
Fire Extinguisher
Road Flares
Trash Bags
Click Here For Interactive Google Map Of NJ Beach Access Points
Dates of operation: The season runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day, and the times are from 7AM to 5 PM.
Permit fee: $50 Good for the year. Required for night fishing. Permit obtained from: The Ranger station. No cash, check or money order only.
Beach access points: None.
Parking lots available at: Fee parking at all parking lots except lot F; also known as South Beach. The fee at Sandy Hook is $4 on weekdays and $5 on weekends (per car in season)
Special comments: More information can be obtained at the Ranger Station (732) 872-5900.
Dates of operation: No buggy operation. Year round walk on access for fishing. Memorial Day to Labor Day for bathing.
Permit fee: Bathing requires permit. Fee varies.
Permit obtained from: Office.
Beach access points: Walk-on over designated Public Access Stairways over sea wall.
Parking lots available at: Designated near Public Access Stairways or on side Streets as designated
Special comments: Access to beaches and jetties are largely through the various beach clubs that line Ocean Avenue from the sea wall south of Sandy Hook down through the town. During the summer season, running Memorial Day through Labor Day (give or take a week), you may access the beach but you must be off the club's property by about 9 AM. Before or after the season, access is quite easy and you can stay longer, as most clubs are closed. Starting at Ship Ahoy Beach Club and moving south along Ocean Avenue, access can be gained at the following: Ship Ahoy B.C.; Surfrider; Anchorage B.C.; Sea Bright B.C.; Sea Bright Public Beach; Donovan?s; Tradewinds; Edgewater B.C; Driftwood B.C.
Dates of operation: No buggy operation. Year round walk on access for fishing. Memorial Day to Labor Day for bathing.
Permit fee: Bathing requires permit. Fee varies.
Permit obtained from: Monmouth Beach Bathing Pavilion
Beach access points: Big Monmouth Bath & Tennis Club is a private club & beach ("Big Monmouth") Monmouth Beach Bathing Pavilion is the public beach ("Little Monmouth") These are the two primary access points.
Parking lots available at: Parking in designated areas on side Streets.
Special comments: There is a "Fisherman?s Gate" at Little Monmouth for "Car Toppers" or trailers, to launch small boats for fishing. Parking is limited. To the South is an open access (stairway) over the seawall. To the North are two stairwells over the seawall near the now defunct State Marine Police Building and there is limited parking in the old lot.
SEVEN PRESIDENTS BEACH: (Joline Ave. Long Branch):
Dates of operation: No buggy operation. Year round walk on access for fishing. Memorial Day to Labor Day for bathing.
Permit fee: Parking lot $4 day, $4 seasonal. Bathing permit fees vary.
Permit obtained from: Pavilion.
Beach access points: Walk-on through Park for fishing.
Parking lots available at: Parking in designated areas on side Streets.
Special comments: No fishing within 50? of bathing areas. Anglers are encouraged to park on local Streets to avoid lot closings. Recreational fishing encouraged, year round on beach & jetty?s.
Dates of operation: October 1st to May 15th. Permits go on sale October 1st.
Permit fee: $35
Permit obtained from: Township Clerk, 401 Chambers Bridge Road.
Beach access points: Entrance at the North Brick Beach lot.
Parking lots available at: Ocean Beach III.
Special comments: Permit entitles buggies to operate north of 5th Ave., Normandy Beach to the Mantoloking line. No buggies permitted beyond that line. Safety inspection required ?NJBBA guidelines
OCEAN BEACHES: (Dover Township)
Dates of operation: September 15th to May 15th.
Permit fee: $10
Permit obtained from: Police Headquarters at 255 Oak Avenue.
Beach access points: There is no buggy operation north of Normandy Beach / Mantoloking Boro Line.
Special comments: In the areas north of Island Beach State Park, there is no buggy operation during the summer season. Police monitor CB channel 9.
Dates of operation: Beaches will be closed from May in
to September 15th, and Saturday and Sunday from
September 15th through September 30th.
Permit fee: $35.
Permit obtained from: Lavallette Police Station, 1300
Grand Central Avenue.
Beach access points: Beach entrances are located at
Ortley and Philadelphia Avenues.
Special comments: Inspection is required for the
proper equipment for beach use and fishing NJBBA
guide-line for equipment Speed limit is 10 MPH.
Dates of operation: September 15th to May 15th.
Permit fee: $10
Permit obtained from: Police Headquarters in Toms River or at the Ocean Beach Firehouse on Kittiwake Avenue.
Beach access points: Entrance at Harding and 2nd Ave.
Dates of operation: September 15th to May 15th.
Permit fee: $15
Permit obtained from: Seaside Heights Boro Hall.
Beach access points: Enter on Heiring Avenue.
Special comments: Access is Heiring Avenue North to end of boardwalk.
Dates of operation: October 15th until Memorial Day
Permit fee: $35 for Berkeley residents, $50 for
Permit obtained from: 630 US Rt. 9.
Beach access point: 20th Avenue. Air down on Central
Special comments: Safety equipment required. NJBBA
Dates of operation: No operation of Buggies form May
16th to Sept 15th.
Permit fee: $42 for borough residents. $50 for non
residents. Good for calendar year.
Permit obtained from: Code enforcement, 1201 Barnegat
Beach access points: Enter on Brighton Avenue.
Dates of operation: From weekend of May 16 to Labor Day, buggy operation is limited to the area from parking lot A-7 south. The park is closed from midnight to 4 AM, but beach buggy permittees will be permitted to stay in the park 24 hours per day providing that during this period they actively fish or park in a designated location.
Island Beach State Park is well known by New Jersey's saltwater anglers for excellent surf fishing for
striped bass and bluefish. Other species include summer founder and weakfish.
During the appropriate season, fishing for tautog along the north jetty of Barnegat Inlet is especially rewarding. Bait and fishing information may be obtained at local tackle dealers before entering the park.
Saltwater fishing is subject to New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife and State Park Service regulations. Information regarding saltwater fishing regulations can be found in the Fish and Wildlife Digest, which is available at local tackle dealers.
Mobile Sport Fishing Vehicle permits to operate 4-wheel drive vehicles on the fishing beaches may be obtained at the Park's Visitor Contact Station at the entrance gate.
$50.00 3-Day Permit
$195.00 Annual Permit
Dates of operation: 7 days / week from Memorial Day to Labor day. Off-season weekends only weather permitting.
Permit fee: Free parking for walk on fishing. Fee for lighthouse tour for ages 12 + up $1.
Beach access points: Walk on fishing only. Facilities for handicap anglers.
Parking lots available at: At the foot of the lighthouse.
Special comments: No buggy operation permitted. No swimming. Picnic area along inlet. Nature trail.
Dates of operation: No buggy access from Memorial Day to Labor day.
Permit fee: Falls under jurisdiction of Long Beach Township.
Permit obtained from: At Township Bldg. 76th and Long Beach Blvd.
Beach access points: North Beach Avenue.
Parking lots available at: Street parking available.
Dates of operation: No buggy access from May 15 to
September 15.
Permit fee: $50, limited to 50 total.
Permit obtained from: Police at Township Bldg. 76th
and Long Beach Blvd.
Beach Access points: 83rd Street, Middlesex, Bergen
and Essex.
Parking lots available at: Limited street parking
Special comments: Vehicle inspection required.
Dates of operation: No buggy access from fourth
Saturday in May to third Saturday in September.
Permit fee: $25
Permit obtained from: Police Headquarters, 813 Long
Beach Blvd.
Beach access points: 5th Street, 18th Street.
Parking lots available at: Street parking available.
Dates of operation: No buggy access from Memorial Day to Labor day.
Permit fee: $15
Permit obtained from: Police Station, 1621 Long Beach Blvd.
Beach access points: Access at 8th Street, 20th Street, 26th Street.
Parking lots available at: Street parking available.
Dates of operation: Beaches closed during the summer season for buggy operation (May 16th to Sept. 30th). Correct dates obtained with permits.
Permit fee: $50 Good on all Long Beach Township Beaches. (Brant Beach to Holgate)
Permit obtained from: Police station at 68th Street and Long Beach Island Blvd. 24 hrs. /day, 7 days/week.
Beach access points:
BRANT BEACH ? 46th Street, 66th Street.
BEACH HAVEN PARK - Nebraska Avenue (106th Street)
BEACH HAVEN TERRACE - New Jersey Avenue (129th Street).
BEACH HAVEN CREST ? 79th Street, 90th Street.
BEACH HAVEN PARK ? 106th Street, 119th Street.
BEACH HAVEN ? Taylor Avenue, Center Street, Holyoke Avenue.
Special comments: Beach Buggy Hotline (609) 361-1000 ext. 203. Police monitor channel 9. If paying for permit after 4PM on weekdays or on weekends or holidays, you must use an instate check or money order. No cash. Must present vehicle, driver?s license, registration and insurance card. A striper derby is usually held in October and November for a fee of $25.00 which is only good for the derby.
Dates of operation: Closed from June thru August for migrating birds.
Permit fee: $50
Permit obtained from: Police station at 68th Street and Long Beach Island Blvd. 24 hrs. /day, 7 days/week.
Beach access points: Nelson Avenue, Scott Avenue, Harding Avenue, Washington Avenue.
Parking lots available at: Harding Avenue, end of boulevard.
Special comments: Federal Wildlife area.
Dates of operation: Year round except for North End
section past old Coast Guard Station which is closed
for Piping Plover nesting from approximately May 15 -
August 15.
Permit fee: $160.
Permit obtained from: City Hall or Lifeguard
Headquarters, 17th Street & the Beach.
Beach access points: North End entrance at 15th Street
and Jetty entrance at Seaside Road are open 24 hours.
Cove entrance at end of Lagoon Blvd. open throughout
the night for fishing purposes only.
Parking lots available at: Street parking where legal.
Special comments: Vehicle inspection required.
Dates of operation: During Striper Derby only.
Permit fee: Free. Must show Striper Derby Pin.
Permit obtained from: City Hall, Room 603, 1301 Bacharach Boulevard
Beach access points: Access roads at New Hampshire, Delaware and Albany Avenues
Parking lots available at: Street parking where legal, numerous paid lots.
Special comments: Must show Striper Derby Pin. Required to cross boardwalk.
Dates of operation: During the Striper Derby only.
Permit fee: Free
Permit obtained from: Police Records Dept., 6201 Atlantic Ave.
Beach access points: Access roads at Suffolk and Newport Avenues.
Parking lots available at: Street parking where legal.
Special comments: Must show Striper Derby pin.
Dates of operation: During Striper Derby only.
Permit fee: Free
Permit obtained from: Police Dept.111 N. Decatur Ave.
Beach access points: Access roads are at Delevan, Grandville, and Washington Avenues.
Parking lots available at: Street Parking where legal
Special comments: Must show Striper Derby pin.
Dates of operation: During Striper Derby only.
Permit fee: Free
Permit obtained from: Police Dept. 2305 Atlantic Ave.
Beach access points: at 11th Street and the jetty north to the sea wall.
Parking lots available at: Street parking where legal.
Special comments: Must show Striper derby pin.
Dates of operation: September 15th to May 15th.
Permit fee: $75. Permits limited to 300. Waiting list in effect for permits.
Permit obtained from: Police station.
Beach access points:23rd Street, 57thStreet, 59th Street.
Parking lots available at: Various on street parking during off-season.
Special comments: No buggy operation between North Street and 23rd Street.
Dates of operation: September 15th to May 15th.
Permit fee: $50
Permit obtained from: Corson's Inlet State Park, PO
Box 450, Woodbine, NJ 08270.
Beach access points: There is a marked access gate at
the south end of Central Ave at 59th Street.
Parking lots available at: 54th Street and Central
Special comments: No pets between April 1st and
September 15th. Those not actively engaged in fishing
must leave the park between midnight and 4 AM.
Dates of operation: September 15th to May 15th.
Permit fee: $15
Permit obtained from: Police Dept. at 233 JFK Blvd. during the week from 9AM to 4:30 PM.
Beach access points: For fishing north of 31st enter/exit at 22nd St. For fishing south of 57th St. enter/exit at 75th or 85th Streets.
Parking lots available at: Street parking available.
Dates of operation: Sept. 15th to March 31st
Permit fee: $40
Permit obtained from: Borough clerk or by writing for an application and enclosing a self addressed, stamped envelope.
Beach access points: Entrances are marked.
Special comments: Inspection of vehicle & equipment is required at the police station between 9AM and 4 PM.
Dates of operation : South of 122nd St - day after Labor Day to March 15th.
North of 122nd St - Oct. 1st to March 31st.
Permit fee: $50
Permit can be obtained from the Borough Clerk at 9508 Second Avenue between
the hours of 8:30am and 4:00pm during the week September 1st to September
30th ONLY!
Dates of operation: Sept. 15th to Thursday before
Memorial Day.
Permit fee: $10 permit for North Wildwood residents
and $25 permit for non-residents is required.
Permit obtained from: Permit obtained at North
Wildwood Police station at 10th & Atlantic Ave.
Beach access points: Entrances at 5th Ave. & 15th Ave.
Parking lots available at: On street parking
Special comments: Safety equipment required. Location
of NJBBA Great Fall Classic Tournament. Mid-October
annually. Don't miss it!
Dates of operation: Sept. 15th to Thursday before Memorial Day.
Permit fee: $15
Permit obtained from: City clerk?s office, 4400 New Jersey Avenue.
Beach access points: Access is at Cresse Ave.
Parking lots available at: On street parking available.
Special comments: Must have required equipment. Call 1 800 WWBYSEA for information.
Dates of operation: October 1st to April 30th.
Permit fee: $15 before June 1st, $25 after June 1st.
Permit obtained from: Borough clerk, 6101 Pacific
Beach access points: Cresse Avenue and Washington
Special comments: Safety equipment required. NJBBA
guidelines used
Dates of operation: No buggy access.
Parking lots available at: All along the seawall.
Special comments: For information stop at Cape May County Information center at exit 6 on Garden State Parkway.
Dates of operation: No buggy access.