Saltwater Fishing News
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- Published: Tuesday, 03 May 2011 06:01
- Hits: 413078
The Free NJ Saltwater Fishing Registry is now in effect as of this date. If you haven't registered now is the time
One question that was asked by a lot of guys earlier is part of the Q&A on the NJDEP site for the registry.
Q. I already signed up for the federal registry; do I still need to register in NJ?
A. Yes. All anglers and for-hire vessel owners and operators must register with the NJSRRP in 2011. New Jersey will provide a complete dataset to the National Marine Fisheries Service to establish and maintain a list of exemptions from the federal saltwater angler registration program.
The registry is an important tool that will help fishermen and policy makers work together to better account for the contributions and impacts of saltwater anglers on ocean ecosystems and coastal economies. It is part of a national overhaul of the way NOAA collects and reports recreational fishing data. The goal of the initiative - known as the Marine Recreational Information Program, or MRIP - is to provide the most accurate information possible that can be used to determine the health of fish stocks. Reliable, universally trusted data will in turn aid anglers, fisheries managers and other stakeholders in their combined efforts to effectively and fairly set the rules that will ensure the long-term sustainability of recreational fishing. For more information, visit
This Registry is NOT a License. All Marine Fisheries Rules and Regulations must be followed at all times.
For more information on the New Jersey Saltwater Recreational Registry Program, please refer to thier Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page.
Individual saltwater anglers ages 16 and older MUST register if ANY of the following criteria are met:
Recreationally fish with a hand line or rod and line, spearfish or fish by hand
Recreationally fish in the marine and fresh tidal waters of the State of New Jersey
Recreationally fish in marine waters outside the State of New Jersey but land the catch in New Jersey
Individual saltwater anglers are EXEMPT from registering if either of the following apply:
- Under the age of 16
- Solely fish on for-hire (party and charter) vessels that are registered with the New Jersey Saltwater Recreational Registry Program
For-hire vessel owners/operators MUST register if:
- Carry individuals who engage in recreational fishing in the marine and fresh tidal waters of the State of New Jersey
- Carry individuals who engage in recreational fishing in the marine waters outside the State of New Jersey but land their catch in New Jersey